
To establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the Ardhi University and her alumni so as to promote the welfare of the University.

To provide the members of Convocation with a common forum for the furtherance of the objectives and functions of the University.

To meet and discuss any matter within the sphere of competence of the University and transmit any resolution arising from such discussions to the University governing authorities or to appropriate Government authorities as the case may be.

To support the University’s core mission including teaching, research and consultancy.

To develop a strong relationship between the University and the entire Tanzanian society and to maintain a dialogue with the Government on Tanzania’s social, economic and other problems for purposes of promoting the country.

To build a database of members of the Convocation in order to enhance communication and information dissemination between the University and its former students and staff by collecting and storing the current and up – to – date information about alumni and past ARU teaching staff as well as all well wishers.

To mobilize funds for the development of the Convocation.

To promote positive image and reputation of and respect for the University through news media, newsprint, the internet and any other means, all activities and events to be conducted by the University in order to solicit inputs, contributions and advice by members of the Convocation.

Award prizes to the distinguished Alumni who have made significant achievements and/or contribution to their profession, community or University.

Create in the alumni, a sense of responsibility, obligation and accountability towards the community and especially towards the University.


To provide a dynamic public forum for the Tanzanian community that fosters the birth of new healthy ideas and promotes dialogue on matters whose understanding by the people is crucial to national survival and development and fostering unity, ethical and professional relations among members of the Convocation.


The Convocation of Ardhi University “strives to be the harbinger of better times”, “the living tie that binds the past activities of the university to the present and future”