Registered Members




Showing 161-167 of 167 items.
#Full NameMembership TypeYear of GraduationProgram GraduatedActions
161Nchiza Rashidi KufaGraduant2023-08-23Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning
162Calist Virgil Mushi Graduant2023-08-23Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning
163Ssmwel Stanley MangobaGraduant2023-08-23Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning
164Paschal Sebastian MakonaGraduant2023-08-23Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning
165Roshbert A Robert Graduant2023-08-25Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning
166Daudi I OngalaGraduant2023-12-07Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture
167Charles Mwita ChachaGraduant2024-03-13Bachelor of Science in Geomatics