Registered Members




Showing 41-60 of 167 items.
#Full NameMembership TypeYear of GraduationProgram GraduatedActions
41Bavo Francis MalyangoGraduant2005-12-15Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
42Kerbina Joseph MoyoAcademic Staff2003-12-06Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
43Salmin Abdallah MzirayGraduant2008-10-01Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
44Tamuka Karigita MateteGraduant2020-12-12Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
45Gaspar Gaspery MbohaGraduant2017-01-03Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
46Alexander Nyarubamba MairaGraduant2000-02-01Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
47Ezekiel Masanja ClementGraduant2016-12-21Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
48Ezekiel Masanja ClementGraduant2016-12-31Bachelor of Science in Land Management and Valuation
49Kalimilo Cleveland Evarist Graduant2022-11-25Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning
50Neema James KasaraGraduant2022-12-06Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning
51Paschal Sebastian MakonaGraduant2023-08-23Bachelor of Science in Housing and Infrastructure Planning
52Castory Alexander KyulaGraduant2014-12-05Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
53Saada Awadhi MandariGraduant2014-12-06Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
54Chimwanda Ngeme SeniGraduant2017-12-02Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
55Amani Burton MwakilembeGraduant2022-11-22Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
56Emmanuel Theonest KatoGraduant2021-12-04Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
57Herieth Christopher LaswayGraduant2017-12-02Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
58Priva Primi MazulaGraduant2022-12-06Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
59Giveness Angello Ng'okoGraduant2020-12-12Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Management
60Clement Simon ChibokoGraduant2020-12-12Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering